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​Thank You for Violet is Blue

Dec-19-2018 PST

I don't generally accomplish posts on reddit, but I apperceive J Mods yield a lot of calefaction for updates so I capital to put my acknowledgment for the new chance Violet is Blue out there. It hit me with a lot of Christmas spirit if I in actuality bare it.

Here is a little accomplishments on why this chance meant so abundant to me, abnormally at this time. If I was 19 I met a girl, and fell arch over heels for her. Unfortunately she grew up in advance affliction and was abused and had a absolute harder life. This advance to her developing a absolute bad heroin addiction. Our accord suffered because of this.

When I was 20 I got a alarm from her and she told me that she was pregnant. No I was not the ancestor and admitting our accord had taken a huge abatement because of her addiction I still cared absolute abundant about her and I agreed to admonition her as abundant as I could with her child. The adolescent was built-in traveling through withdrawals. The accompaniment never accustomed her to yield her adolescent home.

Because I was the alone apple-pie accepting she knew she asked if I, able-bodied added accurately my parents, would be accommodating to advance her adolescent while she approved to get her activity aback in order. So the next anniversary my parents and I were demography affliction of this candied little babe as her advance family.

We fostered her for about a year and half. Although she was not my biological babe over this time I grew to adulation her just like she were mine. Unfortunately my acquaintance was clumsy to exhausted her addiction. And the time came that a adjudicator absitively to abolish my accompany rights appear her babe and acceptance began to appear into the picture. This advance to an acutely difficult decision.

My parents are no bounce chickens, they are absolute acceptable to die continued afore she would anytime about-face 18. I am absolute adolescent and in no position to accept and be the caregiver for a little girl. So the abnormally aching accommodation for alfresco acceptance was made. She deserves to accept a admiring mother and ancestor and a accustomed ancestors life. She larboard me and my ancestors a few months ago.

Violet from the new chance reminded me so abundant of my candied little girl. The roaring and the bedlam that I can alone alarm as little babe sounds in actuality got to me. I accept been acutely depressed aback accident her, abnormally because things with her mother accept been baneful and abhorrent as well.

I didn't accept a dry eye the accomplished time while arena the quest. But it was by far the best I accept acquainted in a while. A acceptable cry if you will. It was a sweet, amazing, ambrosial little quest and RuneScape gold. And I admired it. I admired traveling on a Christmas chance with Violet.

It abounding me with Christmas spirit if I in actuality bare it. So acknowledge you so abundant to whoever the J Mods are who fabricated it. It had a absolute able affecting appulse on me and I admired every bit of it. Your plan is accepted by me.