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RSGoldFast - Just accretion tiers in the future

May-18-2018 PST

Can we get added aberration in weapons instead of just accretion tiers in the future? Passives and Appropriate Attacks accept so abundant potential of RuneScape gold!

I accept the approaching of new accessory drops should be Sidegrades - weapons and accessory that accept altered appropriate attacks and acquiescent abilities that aren't consistently advantageous everywhere.

We can't just accumulate accretion tiers, there is traveling to be a point breadth we will never absence and hit the accident cap of 12,000 on every individual adeptness if we abide down this alley of beeline upgrades.

While we currently accept a scattering of these niche, sidegrade blazon weapons they are rarely acclimated because accurateness is acute in action situations.

While I don't accept any suggestions for any such weapons, I accept development of these types of weapons is traveling to become a call afterwards Solak's absolution with the final Tier 92 weapon.

All Noxious Weapons accept a appropriate advance that reflects some damage. This has abeyant to be in actuality cool, but it's never acclimated in it's accepted state.

Ranged has:

- Decimation, with a appropriate advance costing 50% adrenaline, axis all your abilities into 3x3 AOE for 10 seconds.

- Wyvern Crossbow, congenital "poison" DOT that ramps up over time. If you absence for three abnormal the DOT is cleared.

- Hexhunter bow, ambidextrous added accident atrophy added accurateness to mage users.

- Mechanised Chincompas, which accomplish ALL your abilities 3x3 AOE but they are alone T75.

Melee has:

- Scythe/Halberds, accretion advance ambit by 1 square.

- Zaros Godsword, appropriate advance gives you a 3x3 aboveboard that increases your accident dealt and deals a baby DOT if your ambition stands in the area. Melee agnate to Sunshine and Death's Swiftness.

- Annihilation, appropriate advance gives you a acquiescent that lasts for 30 seconds, giving you accretion accident per stack, the assemblage caps out at 20% added damage. One assemblage is acquired per attack. Stacks are austere if you absence or afterwards 30 seconds.

- Ripper Claws, ambidextrous added accident to your ambition if they are beneath 50% health.

- Statius's Warhammer, appropriate advance that decreases your target's defence as able-bodied as increases their affection (the adventitious that you hit, college affection = bigger hit chance).

Magic has:

- Obliteration, with a appropriate advance that behindhand any healing your ambition incurs at the top bulk of 100% adrenaline.

- Zuriel's Staff, with a appropriate advance that decreases your target's advance dispatch (by an bush amount, and adrenaline accretion if applicable).

- Camel Staff, acquiescent that abatement target's accurateness and deals a baby DOT.