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RSGoldFast - I anticipate Manor Acreage is a austere eyesore

Sep-16-2018 PST

Can we possibly get graphical updates to the areas surrounding Player-Owned Farms? (Seers' Village, Fishing Guild, Ranging Guild, and Ardougne)

The areas attending anachronous while the acreage looks new. The alone graphically adapted breadth of Kandarin so far is Catherby.

Can those areas be prioritized as accepting graphical rework? Abnormally Archery Guild, as the rewards are anachronistic and charge reshuffling.

Ardougne absolutely could aswell a rework to board the acreage as well. Reuse some assets from Lumbridge but accord them some altered agreeableness so the city-limits stands out in a way.

Seers' Village graphical rework had been in the excess and a continued WIP. But it would be a acceptable befalling to do abounding graphical updates in one update. Catherby acclimated some assets from Port Sarim and Rimmington as able-bodied as a few new assets so why not?

In accepted I anticipate Manor Acreage is a austere atrocity in areas it is located.

Not alone because it absolutely acutely has some beheld antagonism apropos its neighbors (you can see the brusque breach in breadth arrangement appearance if you access the Legends' Guild), but aswell because with its accepted positioning, it about looks like the accomplished acreage just fell from the sky and impacted the breadth it is now amid with little to no application for aggregate in with its surroundings.

Even because the blow of Ardougne, it just makes aggregate way too dense, and I anticipate even if Ardougne and the surrounding areas had some bigger breadth blending, it would still resemble an appulse crater.

I anticipate the alone affair that would save this breadth from getting an atrocity is if the absolute region, the Fishing Guild, Legends' Guild, East AND West Ardougne were graphically adapted together, and for arrant out loud, I don't anticipate it would aching to accord the acreage and Ardougne some space.