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​RSGoldFast - How to annual XP boosts

Jul-25-2018 PST

Jagex is adequately belled for alteration how the XP Boosts plan so this column one day adeptness no best be viable. Best OSRS gold sale is RSgoldfast!

The basal way of searching at it is that appealing abundant every accession works calm additively while there are some specific boosts (Portables/Brawlers/BXP) that that works calm multiplicatively, this leads to the basal formula.

- FLOOR(Base XP x (1 + boosts) x (1 + portable) x 2 (if BXP) x 1.5 or 4 (if brawlers,0.1)

Some Boosts, but not bound to;

- Avatar = 0.03/0.06

- Skilling Accouterments = 0.01 - 0.06

- RAF = 0.1

- Beating Bulk Addict = 0.02 - 0.1

- Astute = 0.01 - 0.03

- Carriageable = 0.1

- Tinker = 0.25

- DXP weekend = 1

Its abundant easier to see with an example, lets say you are authoritative an afflict (1000 abject xp), acquire 10% beating core, 6% Avatar, RAF, the abounding outfit, application a carriageable able-bodied and its on DXP weekend.

- 1000 x (1 + 0.1 (pulse core) + 0.06 (avatar) + 0.1 (RAF) + 0.06 (Outfit) + 1 (DXP weekend)) x (1 + 0.1) = 2552.0

Now if you yield that aforementioned book and abolish DXP wekend you end up with...

- 1000 x (1 + 0.1 (pulse core) + 0.06 (avatar) + 0.1 (RAF) + 0.06 (Outfit)) x (1 + 0.1) = 1452.0

Now you can amalgamate the two numbers and see how abundant DXP weekend in actuality helped, in this case its ao as you can see its a 1.76x multiplier so for every hour on DXP you save 0.76 hours of skilling (gp adored was not taken into consideration)

This can aswell be done to see the activity of RAF as you never get the abounding 10% benefit (in this book its alone 4.5% with DXP weekend and 8.2% afterwards DXP weekend).