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RSGoldFast - Apprehend new appropriate agreeable updates

Apr-27-2018 PST

Hey Jagex if can we apprehend new appropriate agreeable updates? I accept been paying attention, and I disagree. We've had Deep Sea Fishing, a cogent amend to the Fishing accomplishment with assorted agreeable and RuneScape gold accepting like the travelling merchant bringing an appulse on added locations of the game.

Sailfish accept been a gamechanger, too. Pieces of Hate, the Fifth Age charlatan adventure finale! That was huge, with big set pieces like arresting Mos'le Harmless, or the underwater dive finishing with a advantageously consciousness-expanding bang-up fight.

And the clue annal overhaul! That revitalised a accomplished area of the game, and the appulse has lasted (I apperceive I still see humans adage their casket boodle in association babble a accomplished lot). And Bold Jam was a flurry of activity, so abounding projects accepting formed on.

There's so abundant added in the works, too. So abundant acknowledgment has been taken on the Mining & Smithing rework -- the community's been kept up to date.

Similar accord with the Amateur Owned Farm, which you'll accept apparent if you're in the Discord for that. Plan is traveling in all the time.

Those updates I mentioned? Those are all from the endure two months. These are not accessory pieces of content. These are appealing big things in a abbreviate aeon of time.

The game's been accepting aback on clue afterwards the asperous about-face abroad from expansions, and the affection of the subreddit did reflect that at the time.

It's a apathetic aeon at the moment, which they did accord us beforehand admonishing of (it's not like they've al of a sudden gone quiet on updates afterwards any notice). But the subreddit has been reacting on a concise basis.

Consistently does.

This is all subjective. Apparently will not abide aggravating to altercate this in this thread, because I can alone allege for myself -- but for myself it's been traveling appealing well.

And MTX is an in actuality abstracted team. Monetisation is its own issue, I will not get into that here, but I don't brainstorm it takes abundant accomplishment to accomplish one of those promos.

It takes a lot added accomplishment to accomplish a acceptable superior bold amend -- but that accomplishment has been traveling in.

MTX and agreeable development are in actuality abstracted teams, and they've both been traveling on independently.

Of advance they can't accompany out a gamechanger every week. But they've been accepting aback on track. The actuality that this has been a apathetic ages doesn't change that.