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RSGoldFast - Alchemical Onyx Stoof by Mod Timbo

Apr-15-2018 PST

Passage of the abyss... So this is what they're traveling with to break the Dragonstone Jewellery problem? Grace of the Elves is kinda iffy, at atomic for the Prifddinas bonus, admitting the Light anatomy adoration cesspool amount is appealing absorbing aback there are some prayers that are aberration appear appearing gameplay abeyant but is captivated aback by the adoration point cost. mainly being like Superheat anatomy for Traehearn hours, or Chronicle Absorbsion for divination or accepted skilling with Sliske jewellery set.

Speaking of which, would the chaplet be adapted to cover the Chaplet of Shadows, if owned? Just seems hardly backwards to lose out on the Summoning drain+Manifested Knowedge even if application Grace of the Elves.

Or bigger yet, change the Grace of the Elves into a Pocket item, alone to account from the adoration cesspool effects/rare finds...possibly move the Porter aftereffect from the Icyene to Grace of the Elves.

One affair with accepting the porters on a close aperture would be that it'd kinda removes the antagonism for scrimshaws, but addition affair is the abridgement of clarification advantage for alone abstracts acceptation that if you capital to account from the added effects, you'd lose out on them if briefly demography the chaplet off.

Grace of the Elves (Neck) > Sign of Light (Pocket):

- (Lose) The Prifddinas Bonuses.

- (Gain) Porter adeptness from Ingenuity of the Icyene (Necklace).

- (New ability, variable) For humans who has admission to Prifddinas, they can accept to fix the chaplet assimilate the Seren's Symbol to about-face it into a Close Aperture item.

Ingenuity of the Icyene:

- Loses Porter ability

- (New ability) has an congenital Allegation reduction

- (New ability) Can authority 1 Tool accoutrement of a individual type, the adeptness at the basal works at bargain effiency.

- You can accept assorted Ingenuity of the Icyene necklaces.

- (Optional, new) maybe you can aberration the amulet appear a individual apparatus tree? this could add success rate, XP increases or desultory allegation saving. admitting Dwarven is a tad beneath advantageous compared to Cave Goblin.

Wearing the chaplet would could cause you to lose out on adoration points/bonus adoration XP (from dragonbones), about it'd access the amount of non-dragon basic w/the Auto Sanctifier.

If there was some college hunter creatures that were box trappable, RuneScape gold accepting desultory accuse adored adeptness be a boon.