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Just One Small Challenge

Sep-18-2018 PST

Earlier today I was assigned to adeptness 630 claret runes as my circadian challenge. I ashen my accomplished day aggravating to complete the abuse affair so actuality it goes:

To admission the claret altar, Legacy of Seergaze needs to be at atomic partially completed so that's my goal. I alpha with its prerequisite Darkness of Hallowvale - the adventure in which you cantankerous Meiyerditch-ghetto-agility-maze assorted times.

Legacy of Seergaze is no altered and continues the bold of coursing the sickle. Also, I overlook the attraction runes for the bang so I do some added fetching. I don't apperception it acceptable a homing pigeon actor at this point because the breadth is so air-conditioned and new to me. Anyway, I can assuredly use the claret altar!

But afore I can alpha it, I apprehend on wiki that Morytania legs 2 gives 10% adventitious for a additional claret rune. That's in actuality account it, so I plan on my absolute 4 Simple and 6 Medium Morytania achievements (one of which takes a few hours, the one that's growing mushrooms).

Finally the tasks are done, my preset and boosts are ready. I endure minute adjudge to advance out the underground avenue from Canifis coffer to claret chantry - just in case.

AND I ascertain the activity acclimation in the underground laboratories requires akin 65. I'm abandoned 47. I alpha training at Barbarian Outpost. The Pit looks so old wtf. The xp is way too slow. I acquisition out Ape Atoll xp is faster, so I tele to Ape Atoll.

AND the Ape Atoll tele doesn't plan because I haven't adored Baron Awowogei in Recipe for Disaster miniquest. (reeeeeeee) I adjudge to get that out of the way for approaching convenience. Afterwards the miniquest I do some binding laps about the monkey activity course.

After this accomplished affliction though, my Activity is abandoned 55 and I accept no will to alternation it any longer. Stranded on Ape Atoll and absent afterimage of my mission. Am baby ninja monkey.

Update afterwards I got some bare rest: I accomplished the Abyss miniquest and assuredly accomplished the claiming through the Abyss. Thank you to those who appropriate it.