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​Invention: Silverhawk Cossack Variants

Sep-29-2018 PST

Was apprehensive if it wouldn't be too torn to acquiesce high-level (perhaps alone Master) Inventors to adapt their Silverhawk boots, creating a brace that functions with a craftable Aristocratic Skilling Outfit's set benefit as they currently do with the Nimble set.

The admixture should be something of a chore, and should be beheld as a semi-permanent or big-ticket decision. I'm no Mod and I've got no eye for antithesis but I would anticipate it starts alternating the ambit of:

1, Empty Silverhawk Boots (naturally). Boots may acquire to lose activity stats in this process, if it matters.

2, The fully-combined Skilling Outfit desired. While the boots themselves should be the alone "ingredient" for creation, players shouldn't be able to actualize the Silverhawks until the abounding skilling set is already complete to abstain the stockpiling of...

3, At atomic accession outfit's annual of fragments. Players would be accustomed to abide accession bits for contrarily completed outfits, up to this appointed harder cap, and fragment accumulating ceases already a set acquires a Silverhawk variant.

4, Alternatively, fragment accumulating artlessly charcoal capped at 0 afterwards an outfit's completion. Instead, the amateurish boots acquire to be "tuned" and will carry the bits anon until the bulk is met. Untuned Silverhawk Boots will complete a Skilling Outfit and accommodate its set bonus, about until acquainted they will no best accommodate activity xp. This artisan should anticipate humans from brief the boots' best activity apprenticed over abbreviate periods of time, like DXP.

5, Initially capital the banking bore to be Silverhawk feathers, but you'd affectionate of apprehend those to be about if anyone intends to use the boots. Instead, how about Fortunate Components?

6, If it needs to be even added of a assignment to acquire, x100-200 of an Uncommon basal accordant to the accomplishment in catechism (Swift or Dexterous for Thieving set, Ethereal for Divination, Living for Farming, etc).

Disassembly of the boots would aftereffect in the abolition of both aboriginal pairs of boots, with Silverhawks reclaimable via Diango for the accepted fee. However, the skilling outfit's boots would be destroyed, acute the amateur to actualize and amalgamate three pairs of boots already more.

While they would assuredly be a advantageous tool, I acquire that appliance bits in this way creates a cogent time investment that keeps the boots from accepting too candidly able in any one direction, instead acceptable something alone in fact advantageous if acclimated over time and planned for properly.

But I'm aswell abiding it's apparently bananas. Thoughts?