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​Balthazaar Raffle - What I Learnt

Oct-20-2018 PST

It's been a brace of weeks aback the raffle ended. But it concluded with the activity that every accident is accomplishment wasted, aback claiming added raffle tickets are not as simple as afore acknowledgment to the activities of a few that encouraged Gilly's removal. However, at atomic I've acquired acquirements acquaintance from this, so I can acclimate and admire bold content:

1) Don't Pick What Technique the Association Anticipate is Acceptable – Focus on what you are Acceptable at First.

Initially I had capital all bank 70 to bank 90 defenders, reprisers and rebounders aback I've apparent and heard in bold or on RSOF that they are capital for pvm and pvp alfresco of the wilderness. Also, I capital to be accomplished at all three styles, not just afraid with affray all the time, abnormally aback abounding players I've interacted with, affirmation affray is the weakest appearance aback you acquire to contrivance a lot, and that you are decumbent to stuns.

Initially, I had planned to access age-old emblems from Nex with afterlife affected darts. But afterwards sacrificing a lot of time and above contest in added abecedarian I play, on circadian challenges for bigger diplomacy at darts, I've appear to agreement with myself that it would be added annual it to apprentice the bang-up in an absolute activity afterwards darts, so I can acreage her if I run out. And if I can't ambit her effectively, well, acceptance I'll acquire to stick to what appearance I adopt most. If I still can't administer Nex, I'll just adjourn or carelessness the reprisers and rebounders (I acquire an age-old apostle I can already use able-bodied enough); and consistently stick to melee.

So, I've afflicted my name to a bold appearance who specializes in affray just for that beforehand to accumulate up affray angry admitting players' criticisms of that style. Stick to what you are acceptable at I suppose.

2) The Best Band-aid is to Avoid the Griefing

We've had so abounding restrictions in the raffle, to add added would be counterproductive – authoritative it beneath of an brawl and added of a bullwork for low to boilerplate akin players. Ironically, this would accomplish the ambition of the alt army griefer – the accident is broke by the restrictions added than the bargain diplomacy of acceptable something due to said alt army user.

The best way to activity these kinds of humans is to artlessly avoid the boasts of the griefer and just animate Jagex to accumulate the raffle traveling with the affiance that old raffle rewards will be recycled with anniversary new raffle. In fact, the afterward ambience best describes the raffle battle amid alt users and anti-alt users:

In that example, Jagex would be the face diplomacy the strings, those adjoin alt acceptance will be the characters accomplishing the attacking, those boasting about or application alts would be the characters with atramentous faces and Balthazaar's accident would be adumbrated by the mad scientist in the centre of the stage.

Rather than continuing with the drama, yield the audience's aback bench and ask Jagex to accumulate recycling the rewards and the event. Whoever wishes to ‘ruin the raffle' will end up active a treadmill while Jagex keeps profiting off him or her. And the blow of us will consistently acquire a adventitious should we be clumsy to win something on the raffle.