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Tuska Falls fast loadstone Teleports

Jul-07-2015 PST

Tuska has been stricken by the mighty impious, and she's created a euphemism of a dent.

Courtesy of RuneLabs and F D C's original plan, you'll be able to currently use your vis wax to charge fast loadstone teleports.

Last – however not least – the Ninjas have given you 2 new Grand Exchange slots – one for everybody, and one for members.

Read on for more details!

Tuska Falls | Quick Lodestone Teleports


Tuska Falls

After a month-long battle, Tuska's reign of galactic terror has been delivered to AN finish by Gielinor's impious. She's careened through the planet's atmosphere, and crashed to a dull halt.

You can still access the Tuska D& D by clicking the magic barrier with regards to Wizard Chambers, and buy the Tuska World Event rewards – albeit at AN raised points value – from Chambers himself.

Note that the previous World Event armour sets are not any longer obtainable from the Tuska rewards search.

If you would like to rewatch the cutscene that plays on initial log-in when today's update, you'll be able to do therefore by reprimand Kara-Meir.

But this is often rather more than a monument to Gielinor's triumph over the beast immortal. From next week, the portal on Tuska's back can open, providing you with access to a wierd new world.


Get ready to venture to Mazcab – home to the goebies, and to RuneScape's all-new Raids!

Mazcab Portal


Quick loadstone Teleports | RuneLabs

An amazing RuneLabs plan from F D C involves fruition these days, as we tend to bring you fast loadstone teleports.

Using charges, your loadstone transports will be created as fast as a location-specific Magic-skill teleport.

Convert your vis wax to charges through its conversion interface, at a rate of one wax for ten charges.

Then, you'll be able to tick the 'Quick Charges' check box on the loadstone map to mechanically deplete charges, or manually choose once to use them by right-clicking a destination and clicking 'Quick Teleport'.


To use fast loadstone teleports, you will need to be a member, have unlatched the loadstone in question, and meet Magic level needs for each:

    Burthorpe - five Magic
    Ashdale - five Magic
    Taverley -10 Magic
    Lumbridge - ten Magic
    Al Kharid - fifteen Magic
    Varrock - fifteen Magic
    Draynor Village - twenty Magic
    Port Sarim - twenty five Magic
    Catherby - thirty Magic
    Falador - thirty five Magic
    Edgeville - forty Magic
    Eagle's Peak - forty five Magic
    Canifis - fifty Magic
    Karamja - fifty Magic
    Seer's Village - fifty five Magic
    Ardougne - sixty Magic
    Yanille - sixty five Magic
    Oo'glog - sixty five Magic
    Rellekka - seventy Magic
    satellite - seventy five Magic
    Tirannwn - seventy five Magic
    brigand Camp - eighty Magic
    geographical region - eighty five Magic
    Prifddinas - ninety Magic

Don't forget to see out RuneLabs, if you haven't recently, and submit your concepts for story inquiries to be answered during a medium-sized quest.

Have Fun!

Enjoy some prompt adventures in the week, and find able to explore Mazcab from next Monday's update!


Community Stream - Treasure Maps special – prizes to be won! | 20:00 universal time, weekday seventh July

If you’re a friend of Treasure Trails, then we’ve got one thing future you’ll love. Mod James are creating made-to-order map clues and obtaining you to search out the treasure (i.e. membership and Bonds) – therefore get your spades out and your puzzle-solving hats on!
In alternative News


Grand Exchange functions are dilated and improved. Thanks Ninjas!
2 new dealing slots – one for everybody, one for members.
The Grand Exchange and Sale History interfaces are incorporated. Look out for more tweaks to the interface within the future.
purchase provide searches currently embrace inventory-style icons.
Companion App GE practicality has been updated consequently.
Grab Shadow Hero packs on Solomon's Store whereas you'll be able to - they are exploit the shop when this week!