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Theme music Runescape game results

Jun-22-2013 PST

It is a long and tough decisions, our audio team choose a amazing works, music theme of our winner of the game. Want to want to go, though, we have our winners! Congratulations on Maxreidneer! You won not only 50, 1000 Runescape Gold with a green skin cosmetics, your music will also be used in Runescape itself!

Feast your ears in Maxreidneer winner: we have a really cool item load, even so, our audio team thought they would to Runescape Gold pick several runners-up in the official SoundCloud RUNESCAPE. A shout out Denith2005 PVME Dan, dark ThundaX Xtremeggnog Tobax!

If this is not enough, they have also put together im a few entries. - persistence and headphones enjoy RUNESCAPE community music talent show. Once again congratulations, Maxreidneer. We are looking forward to hear your music in the game!