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The problem to community management team in campfire

Aug-05-2013 PST

Lumbridge battle raging, two factions enthusiastically collected resources and fight the enemy, but it is not the only player, who throw everything in the show their dedication! Last week saw JMods joined battle on both sides, either pledge allegiance to the Zamorak or Saradomin. They choose to support who and why? Will there be more JMods battlefield, bleeding and their factions? More importantly, how they are preparing for war, and where you can join them?

Everything, in Gielinor have occurred, this is the perfect time together and dance around the bonfire, and discuss our tactics; Forge secret brotherhood, other team of spies, recruit more followers, in support of the right reasons and - most important - trash talking other teams! If you have any urgent problem, want to find out his plan of ferocious crow what progress has been made in the department of defense, or, if the rocket has draw their names Saradomin blue; Be sure to listen to!

This time we campfire session will be hosted in a slightly different Settings. Not a separate thread to post your question in advance, we hope you can join us on live chat, today in our BBS. Sit down and chat with you and answer any community related problem will be MODS crow, Jane, phoenix, Sabre and seven.

Often ask questions: live chat in our BBS will happen. As long as following the discussion of this link. Once the event has can start to enter your site issues in embedded window on the first article (please don't post your thread). If you are not at your desk at 6 o 'clock in the afternoon, don't be afraid! You should be able to look at and join live chat from your phone. Head thread, through discussing this link here. Try to focus on community issues. This is just one of the first live chat, so if you like it, it let us know, we will bring you more in the future. We look forward to your problem. Have Fun!

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