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The new charity to Goodwill by Runescape

Nov-21-2013 PST

Due to the well came to the scene of goodwill, response from RUNESCAPE community has been amazing. Nearly 10000 you made contributions, so far, a total of 24 billion yuan, more than 4700 bonds in the cicc's game - this is already more than 46000 yuan of charity! Great thanks to you for your contribution, who so far!There are 15 days, though, so if you haven't, to participate in!To a goodwill well drop spare gold, items, and bond south big exchanges to encourage your friends to do the same!Today, we added to the list of charitable organizations, will benefit from November's donation: disaster emergency committee of typhoon in the Philippines appeals and HART:


The typhoon in the Philippines


Typhoon sea salt for 300 miles across, it on November 8, one of the most severe tropical storms hit the Philippines ever landing anywhere in the world.Now there are hundreds of thousands of people who have been affected, including hundreds of thousands were forced to leave their homes.Now the surviving people need emergency assistance, including emergency shelter, clean water and food.


HART is not just another aid organizations ". It is unique, because it is a combination of aid propaganda, the people who work with is generally not as major aid groups of oppression, exploitation and persecution, the international media's radar screen. Benefit from your donations to charity for complete details, please visit the goodwill pages well.


Remember - any game project, gold or bond, you deposit in 11 generate goodwill well before the end of the year, we will pay to charity.We will give gold in every 100000 people in the game (or an equivalent value of the goods) donations, and $1 $4.70 for each bond.This is a great way to give your wallet without sag, it is helpful to economic Runescape too.As a bonus, to earn in the game there are three headings: luck: any donation.In addition: 10000000 gold total donation.Charity: 1000000000 gold total donation.Once again, thank you very much for your generosity.