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The end of Super Sep challenge and October trivia

Oct-03-2013 PST

On September 30, 2013, the challenge of hunter GNOME, search for the GNOME gold!


Behind the Scenes in October 2013


We are trying something different than a weird Halloween, provide predictable this October holiday activities to an exciting new twist.Add new trees, Lin however age pursuit and level 90 rangers sixth gear combinations and you have an update for a month, will cheer up yourself even death!


Lumbridge Rebuildathon


October holiday activities to free and members. This is the first time rebuildathon!Explosive of Lumbridge encounter between Saradomin Zamorak, its magnificent castle with the surrounding walls had suffered terrible destruction.The local builders, a team of George foreman, has decided to do the right thing, and to rebuild it.


Of course, they also need a brave explorer community, help them to dismantle abandoned camp and recycling to push the materials needed for the reconstruction.Is absolutely anyone can join, earn XP and much Runescape Gold Coins, an expression, or even a unique clothing, from around Lumbridge: main jack's hat.As a member, also have a title.


You will be able to see the effect of collaborative efforts in all players in the camp is broken, building up off the ground slowly, so make sure you participate in Runescape and help rebuild home. As a kind of special, RuneFest during a one-day event, players and, tourists RuneFest can build something special Lumbridge lost their lives in the war the warriors.However, this will not be until November - see the information of the next month!