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The 6th weeks of Lumbridge campaign in Runescape

Sep-08-2013 PST

The sixth world events to a new modification and supplement of struggle: Saradomin power had the chance to spawn an extra special units, let them twice the number of champion on the battlefield. Zamorakian power to vote, in order to increase their special unit, the effect of 50%, making their champions the cure effect of more powerful.


On both sides will be able to vote, new reinforcements to the battlefield. Powerful siege unit, between powerful creatures, they can choose to bombard the battlefield, the annihilation of the enemy, or elite, with a chance to stun the enemy in the warriors around them.


Everyone can vote of war beast Lumbridge. They can choose to brave and loyal guard dog, terrifying and deadly spiders, or they may decide to give opportunity to rats, and to cultivate their war.


For more Lumbridge campaign info is on