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Supreme Hunter

Aug-08-2016 PST

As the game progresses, the supreme hunter mechanic can inherit result. this is often a tribute to the initial melting pot, and additionally a mechanic to modify PvP hotspots and a lot of fun/tension within the arena. Provided twenty or a lot of folks ar within the arena, the "Essence of death" can spawn

within the arena and every one players are going to be enlightened.


When players enter the proximity of the Essence of Death, they will have a brand new bar on top of their head that fills up because the player remains close to the essence. the primary person to fill the bar can become the Supreme Hunter. As everyone's bar is displayed - players will see the

present "leader" and aim to kill them to prevent them changing into the Supreme Hunter. additional to the current, if you kill somebody United Nations agency is standing close to the essence, you will get half their bar must you kill them. thus if Player A has eightieth full and Player B has ten however

kills Player A, Player B can move to five hundredth for killing them.


When the Supreme Hunter is allotted, they will lean the weapons for the role and everybody are going to be told United Nations agency the Supreme Hunter is. The Supreme Hunter will attack anyone and be attacked by everybody.


To prevent them being concentrated and killed by everybody United Nations agency is not the Supreme Hunter they'll use the special attack on their supreme weapons: "Supreme Defenders" which needs seventy fifth of the special energy (Adrenaline).This special attack can summon ten souls from on

the far side the grave that may fight for the Supreme Hunter, following them around and killing players on their behalf. for every soul that's alive, the Supreme Hunter can have ten harm reduction. thus whereas all the souls ar alive, the Supreme Hunter is unbeatable.


As the players kill the souls off they scale back the Supreme Hunter's harm reduction. The Supreme Hunter ought to be targeted on generating special attack energy/adrenaline to stay activity the attack and keeping their harm reduction up.


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