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Super Sep challenges and RuneFest 3 tickets

Sep-24-2013 PST

The challenge of September 23, 2013 the house party, enter a public house and at least five other people.


RuneFest3 tickets - out now!


RuneFest3 zhang is now available for purchase from RuneFest website! Head, now scheduled you Runescape the latest and greatest of all the things to celebrate. Price of a ticket for $99 you full access to all, RuneFest provided, including:


A gift bag, packed with 3 exclusive RuneFest stolen goods - including A special game items. Inside the meeting, including a pair of meet the manufacturer's favorite JMods chat with you. Gielinorian activities, such as penguins hunt, treasure, and have the opportunity to attempt to release content. After a party, a night of food and entertainment, to join our team, including music, games, Runescape gold award for the GNOME and much more! Take a look at this news, for further information and video information tag in RuneFest3 MOD. RuneFest3 your ticket today. We can't wait to see you!


More Super Sep challenges and RuneFest 3 info is on