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Runescape Upcoming Updates

May-24-2017 PST

Summer Beach Party


In this hot summer, Jagex just announced that the Summer Beach Party will return in 2017. Compared with last year, we can guess that the Summer Beach Party might be added at the end of June.


In-game events calendar


In-game calendar was preparing now by Mods Erator and Chaplain. This calendar will be benefit a lot to players by recording events such as Treasure Hunter promotions, official livestreams and Jagex moderator events, which would take over the square for an entire day to notify the player of important updates.


Burthorpe Games Room update


Burthorpe Games Room is for players to play games from the Burthorpe Games Room while skilling across RuneScape. At the first time, it would only be possible for players on the same world to challenge each other.


Bank bidders


Initially, Bank bidders was planned for release in February 2017, actually, it has been postponed. Bank bidders will be a two week event where players will be able to bet on and win the contents of a banned account's bank.


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