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Runescape NIS design competition is coming

Jun-03-2013 PST

Along with the new interface system (NIS), alpha, we listen, modify and adjust your feedback, and it is time to show you help create the content! We want you to submit a video to us or you design the layout of the screenshots to show you the NIS interface, and explain the reason why you do this. If your design catch the NIS development team's eyes and heart, it will be placed in the default layout enjoy the rest of the society and the fear in the game!

All the NIS developers will attend chosen by the community in their own pattern. They will be looking for creative and practical, with the reasoning behind your design. This epic design contest winners, their creation will serve as a default NIS layout; This means that their design and display name will be forever and Runescape history glory together!

They will also receive: life member. 2500 Runescape Gold. A big shout out community circular news in the future.

We will pick a runner-up, will receive: 500 Runescape Gold. A big shout out community circular news in the future. Member of the 6 months.

Video submissions: if you are doing a video, please make it less than a minute long, and explain the reasoning behind the design of a clear description. Please provide a URL of the video in the email.

Submit pictures: submit pictures, please make sure you include briefly explain why you chose your layout.

Please put your username in the game to send to our email, and the title of the email for "My NIS layout"