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Runescape Membership Price Important Information

Nov-26-2014 PST

In the course of initially quarter of 2015, the cost of registration improves for first time members and those who've been unsubscribed for longer than 14 time. While we haven’t finalised the date for the increase or the exact pricing yet, we wanted to let you know about this well in advance. If you're a member when the price rise happens, you'll see no change. You'll remain at your selling price given that your active account started off just before the time of the value increase. This is applicable for many past grandpa rates, for those who've been subscribed for many years.


When your registration finish, you'll maintain any lower price you're qualified to receive, providing you resubscribe in 14 times. Right afterthat and though, you'll be relocated to the newest selling price.Premier Club sign-ups will available from very first of December, that offer the best way to lock in your registration selling price and grab a massive load of advantages when you're at it.


We've got major strategies for RuneScape in 2015, as Mod Tag demonstrated you at RuneFest, and we'll be putting more strength than in the past in your palms working on your most widely used tips as content upgrades. To start with, our objective is always to keep offering you great RuneScape articles, and the top worth for your personal account. Large i appreciate you your continuing assistance.