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Runescape Legacy Mode Launching Monday 14th July

Jul-11-2014 PST

Following your great feedback and many weeks of updates to the Legacy Mode beta, and the recent poll in which over 80% of you overwhelmingly voted for the introduction of Legacy Mode; we are now ready to release.Legacy Mode is a way of playing the modern RuneScape game with a traditional look and feel, without the need to learn the new combat system.


Our aim was to give players the freedom to choose how they play - we want players to use Evolution of Combat because they want to, not because they have to – that’s why Legacy is an optional mode that you can switch on or off, allowing you to choose if and when you use it.


Legacy mode includes:

    Traditional RuneScape combat, with no abilities.
    Interfaces styled from the pre-RS3 - both resizable and fixed.
    Old-style minimap icons.
    Life points back to a max of 990.
    Old-style combat animations and stances


Global Updates to Combat

Independent of Legacy Mode, we will also be introducing the following global changes to combat to make improvements for everyone, especially in PvP:

    Voted for back in February by you; we will be reinstating the '138' combat formula, tweaked to give melee, ranged and magic equal contribution.
    Special attacks on weapons that had them previously.
    Critical hit chance will be replaced by strength bonuses which give higher max hits.


Future Combat

Our aspiration for Legacy Mode was to allow players the choice of combat system whilst not alienating one system against the other. Watching so many of you enjoying both modes makes us confident that we have cracked it. Both Legacy and EOC will become optional modes that can be switched on or off, so you can choose which mode you want to use and when. Our commitment to making combat great again doesn’t stop with the launch of Legacy Mode. Later this month we will be launching our most ambitious boss encounter ever with the introduction of Araxxor’s Lair which we know will quickly become a fan favourite.


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