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RS new Prize Pool on Treasure Hunter

Sep-22-2017 PST

Jagex brings a new Treasure Hunter in the game this week is Prize Pool RuneScape. From now on until 23:59 UTC on 25th September, the new Prize Pool will be active on Treasure Hunter. When you use the keys each time, all have the opportunity to get the bonus on the Prize Pool at the top of the screen. Also you can get more or less prizes with more keys at random. It's a good chance that you can not miss it.


One thing to note:


When you using the key, you will have an extra prize added to your pool or all prizes you have previously removed away. This time should be especially careful, the longer you move on without claiming, the more prizes you can claim, or lose it all.


Jagex’s response that they hope to provide kinds of different things with Treasure Hunter. The Prize Pool is a new attempt with a clear risk or reward mechanic, but baseline never changes. You can buy cheap RS Gold or OSRS Gold from here, 24 hours online, give you convenience, fast and best service.


Enjoy your game!


Rsgoldfast Team