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RS avid gamer Josh Pillault return

Sep-21-2017 PST

Recently has a message about Runescape, that is Josh Pillault gets out from Prison. He gets free, at the same time,he arouses much attention again in RS world. what happened to Josh Pillault?


Who is Josh Pillault? And Why Josh Pillault will go to jail?


Josh Pillault is a super fan of RS. One day when he playing the Runescape, The other gamer said that Pillault should go kill himself. He replied that he would not just kill himself, but he would take out a local high school. Just made a comment on Columbine, the other player has gotten what he wanted, and replied “Knock Knock” which is what happened. Josh has been in prison ever since.that year he just 19. Later, investigators has found Josh Pillault has researched the way to make bombs ,but the police officers didn’t find anything like that in his houses.


Anyway, Josh Pillault recieved 6 years jail time, and now about he things as a joke on RS.From now on ,we hope more and more player keep playing RuneScape, and be careful made a comment. if you need any help or want to buy cheap Runescape Gold all in


Enjoy your game!


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