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Protean Hides Treasure Hunter

Jan-30-2015 PST


From on 30th January until on 2nd February, all new protean hides and other protean materials are here at increased rates to turbo charge your training only on Treasure Hunter!


The hides stack in your inventory, and clicking on them allows you to craft batches of up to 60. Like other protean materials, you won’t get items from them – but you’re sure to enjoy the Crafting XP, which scales directly to your level. Get stocked up for Double XP Weekend!


You'll see different tiers of protean hide in the Make X interface when crafting, depending on your current Crafting level. These are for flavour only, and won’t affect your XP gain.


Gold Premier Club members get three Treasure Hunter Keys per day, along with a ton of other incredible in-game benefits and the best membership deal around.


Regular RuneScape members get two Keys per day, and everyone gets at least one. You can also get more Keys through combat or skilling in-game.