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Poll in OSRS end on October 25

Oct-23-2017 PST

The current poll in OSRS is about to end on October 25. According to the current voting results, OSRS Wooden & Leather Shields will be added in game with Khardest's Memoirs OSRS plus two new quests.


Until now, over 80% of voters support to add the OSRS Wooden & Leather Shields to the game. And this new type of shield is offered for those using ranged. And about the game added two new tasks are “The Queen of Thieves OSRS & The Depths of Despair”. Currently won more than 80% of the vote .Have the opportunity to be added. These two quests are shorter and more new play with Dragon Slayer 2.


All in all, we are waiting for the outcome of the vote and look forward to the final result.  Join the ORSR Halloween event 2017,you need more cheap RuneScape gold. Our website Halloween event is beginning.


Coupon Code: HAP5.


Deadline: November 6th


Rsgoldfast Team