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New remote armor and weapon in runescape this week

Jun-10-2013 PST

In celebration of Ascension to update the order, and help you in your own way to become a well-functioning remote machine (not to mention that looks really cool, and you the wealth of it), we bring you more good luck this weekend!

Skirmisher armor is strong and durable, bow sling warriors of the perfect fit. You will find all five Bai Sexiong deer next to bow - from a fallen deer antlers. Armor and weapons can be changed to fit your skill levels, from level 20 right up to level 60, so they are a great way, level, style.

You can also find the arrow feather bow string and not shortbows crates and - if this were not enough to win extra help remote XP remote skills pendant and medium light. Last but not least, super rare except found bow just a bit less rare, only this weekend.

Listed above all items you can begin to compete for, this is the best chance you win skirmisher armor, Bai Sexiong deer the bows and divide found by drawing on 10 June (Monday), 23:59 GMT. You can buy in our website, or by clicking on .