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Make a video to tell us what is you mean runescape

May-09-2013 PST

Now is an exciting moment is a Runescape player, as HTML5 huge change, the sixth generation, even more in the future version. Holding so much promise as the future, we hope to hear from the past and present who contributed to this important moment.

We hope that you can create a about Runescape for what do you mean video. Talk about you the most crazy and significant moment, Runescape you important achievement, in the journey of the game you know friend, or why Runescape is so important to you. No matter what your story is, we all want to listen to!

Make no more than 3 minutes of video, uploaded to YouTube, send the URL to Jagex's email. We will go to pick our favorite, add them to our compilation video, then you will win a month free membership with some Runescape Gold. Was selected as one of our favorite three, you will receive our digital MERCH store 25 to sterling.

Put your video uploaded to YouTube before June 3. You can find complete registration information on the official BBS.