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I would share some exciting changes to the RuneScape Team

May-30-2015 PST

Although saying group changes to the local community isn't something we all do regularly, I assumed I would personally talk about some fascinating changes to the RuneScape Staff.


Mod Osborne is advertised to Lead Designer of RuneScape. Along with his unquenchable passion, artistic ability as well as, Mod Osborne will oversee RuneScape's artistic design, assisting this content teams, dealing with RuneScape's greater layout queries, and driving a vehicle forwards our artistic ambitions for your major online game. Eventually, he's taking obligation for that game's general layout.


Mod Conor may be new to many of you, but he's been a Jagex stalwart for a number of years now. He will carry out the role of Senior Company and manage each of the RuneScape activity teams. Mod Conor is doing a great job to help numerous our squads get organised, more and energised effective, which includes our technological innovation and content groupings. Mod Conor now requires obligation for RuneScape's entire production pipeline, guaranteeing we can easily realise our huge desires for information in the future.


As some of you know, Mod Dean recently left Jagex and left a big gap that we needed to fill. I'm very happy to say that Mod Drew the power behind several improvements throughout practical improvement will be using accountability for this particular. In his new position as Content Advancement Manager, Drew will require obligation for articles and specialized improvement disciplines, computer programming criteria and skills growth within the RuneScape Crew.


In Mods Osborne, Conor and Drew there exists a truly robust control team while we look forward to a stellar summer, Innovation, RuneFest 2015 and our 15th wedding anniversary festivities up coming January. There exists a unique Programmer Q&A planned with three following few days where by we shall be discussing upcoming plans and updates and longer term goals for your video game.


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