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Free players and members Death Chivalry for you in Runescape 3

Aug-17-2013 PST

The sixth age has played a spectacular, the gods are waste any time, make their influence was felt across Gielinor word, in Kinshra. Zamorak black knight - has been located in a powerful weapon, and have ordered Saradomin Sir Michael Owen both his servant retrieval - no matter the cost. You can disguise yourself as captain Dulcin, masked fortress, with Owen and pretend to be your prisoner, you will penetrate into the heart of the Kinshra organization, you have to convince, acting the part of the state go to the duke, and complete the task you unscathed.

Excuse will only make you up to now, however, eventually you have to resist, although everybody pursues playable, operational scale and the level of your, so be prepared! You will get a chance to visit your battle is looming bank, so don't worry, if you are not in the pursuit of began to prepare for. Will have some tough choices, make the task before the end, and secret revealed that might make you question, you stood in the ongoing power struggle spirit. Although we do not release the second set of today, this is the first part of the ongoing story, your decision will be reflected in the subsequent tasks.

The black knight fortress has been regarded as a complete restructuring and graphic rework. Filled with Kinshra reflect all aspects of life of equipment and facilities, and with a dark, brooding atmosphere, this is a powerful stronghold, ferocious warriors worth this order. Have pursued a grand movie soundtrack, exceed the set Runescape 3 Gold orchestral score feast quick preview your ears in the medley conforms to the epic precedent.

There are some fantastic rewards if you are a member to complete tasks, including Sir Michael Owen's shield (expression), ceremonial armor Kinshra a group, select the title of chivalrous pursuit project will replay movie moment. Reward, there are some outstanding tasks, gives you a comfortable prayer and combat XP block, and so on - task during and after some quest reward after 80 strength and level, must be looking for. 65 prayer, but don't worry, if you weren't there, but - you can return, return when you have a level and requirements. Exercise myself, boldly forward in the dark!