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Customizable Keybinds in the new Runescape beta

Jun-19-2013 PST

A few weeks ago, the new beta is open to all members of the interface system, it's nice to see so the players are actively try, and give us some valuable feedback. This feature requires that we compared to the others used to add key bindings NIS, open interface that you can use keyboard shortcuts. New interface system, it is a perfect combination, so now we have added to the NIS beta function.

The keyboard is now you are free to customize. We have already opened the almost all the interface functions and mapping to the buttons you want for you. This means that you can open your backpack with B, access to your prayer and P or home teleport T - is your choice! F key (F1, F2, F3, etc.), we will continue to provide our new management window, you will always be able to access options, and recorded through the exit button, but it is your definition.

Therefore, in general, you now have a customizable keyboard shortcuts, one of the most common loading action interface. Press the Escape key, select the "control" option is started to set up your keybinds preferred. Have regular F key shortcut to open the main management interface.

Than what, you would be used in the scene of the game, it is different, so if you are a member, please ensure that you log on, to give it a go, you said our BBS for feedback. Try different shortcut, customize your heart's content, and then let us know what you are thinking, didn't go to the scene 3 Runescape. Drive the new interface system is designed by your players - so thanks again to everyone who has tried, and give them feedback. We are looking forward to hear you have anything to say about the latest updates.