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Community round since November 14

Nov-17-2013 PST

Since this week, we will be back and forth of Runescape community itself. A group of passionate players together these two weeks community content in cracking, so why are you waiting for? Reading!Welcome all the new CRU: by the community, for the society!We are a group of creative players who decided to waste some XP in order to bring you a longer, more detailed community a second week of back and forth. In the past few weeks has been mostly focused on Halloween and RuneFest, this means that a lot of things to show off! Great works of art, interesting BBS theme, fan site news, more - enjoy!


RuneFest 3 - the best ever Runescape event in real life - held on November 2.Here are some amazing pictures and video during the day: falcon ZB to RuneFest this year, and records the window of his day!Is there any RuneFest video and pictures there.Leave Jagex RuneFest gallery on Pinterest!Art and stuff in real life.Reddit user DerpusDraconis, all ready for this terrible class division more skull Godsword in real life he made.Class meeting is very happy with his work.Nomads never ask him good capture, but Paulanna do also just as well.Take a look at this amazing images of the nomads.


Because of the Halloween and RuneFest has passed, video producers have to do your own thing and make some amazing video content.Here is a great cooperation between SirMikkel RSMurderer.This is a Halloween video, so turn off the lights before you see!We've collected some interesting thread check-out.We are always looking for new content and advice!The most embarrassing place play RS?Play RUNESCAPE on the train, your roof, or even in a space hopper - it appears a lot of us from some strange place to play.Where is the place where your most embarrassing moment?


City square Q&A: veterans and newcomers together, hanging out in the town square, every week to answer questions, and have fun.Welcome to attend. Have you ever played how many seconds? The general consensus is more than 9000, but where do you stand in the time ranking? RUNESCAPE fan site information and fountains of things to do! Here is a selection of some content, you can enjoy this week from them:


You have a creative writing tips? Whether you've always wanted to show their talent to the world? Do you want to free Runescape members? If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, then you should go into the Tip. It coating fictional "competition! There is a new, working RS3 biggest hit calculator to fight for every style: magic, melee and ranged! It can be found particularly Calcs (calculate) part of the Tip. It site.


Enjoy the latest increase - Tip. It's the biggest hit calculator has been very popular, this is a great addition! As usual, RuneHQ events team has been hard to provide recreational activities Runescape. This week, they held a variety of small game and skilling events. For those who enjoy the capture the flag of the game, or those who are trying to, pruning, RuneHQ hosting castle war game at 11 PM GMT on Friday on November 15. Maybe you more skilled - don't be afraid! Also has a set of skills in the Runespan events, as well as the events of the arrow, to match the upcoming BBS competition!


For more information, please visit the official RuneHQ active threads. It summarized community back and forth. This is an amazing cover within a few weeks, and there is no doubt that the next will be the same. We have to add some cool ideas, such as your friend,, maybe some of your advice, you can give a shout play on BBS. Soon, we will set up the way to provide you with content give us too much!But until then, see you later!