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A New Network Update Hope To Have This Comprehensive From The New Season

Nov-06-2014 PST

A lot of you will be quite appropriately worried about the group interconnection troubles you have been experiencing during the last couple of weeks. We all know that the has become definitely annoying to suit your needs so we desired to explain to why it is going on and whatever we are accomplishing. It gained not be a surprise for any of yourself that this disconnections you see are due to attacks towards our network. The most prevalent one is to gain items from those that die, even though there are many reasons to attack our network. Naturally you want you to take advantage of the very best experience of Old Fashioned possible so the Sys Administrative crew have updated our Central london datacentre with some new equipment that has been dealing with the attacks a lot better. Putting in the new tools are not just a tiny task but they are pushing forward with changing all of our datacentres around the globe. They hope to have this comprehensive from the New Season.


Even though this job is underway we are going to be making some more activity adjustments to better safeguard you from losing your things due to any further disconnections. We have now updated the dying technicians to ensure that when you expire, your things will stay on the ground for ten minutes and just visible on the participant who passed away. Right after that they may disappear. Please be aware how the passing away technicians while in PvP will never alter and will remain the same as they are now for now. Additionally, if you enter the God Wars Dungeon boss rooms your kill count will no longer reduce. Corporeal Beast's cave is included in this update, you will get your full 10 minutes to return to your items.


This transformation should enable you to maintain your things, and assistance to decrease the motivation for folks to assault the group. These changes will be temporary and will be removed once we have reviewed the impact of the new equipment across all the datacentres. As this change is being made for the integrity of the game, we won NOT be polling it. We will also be investigating how we can identify players who have disconnected from the servers to see if we can create a bespoke solution for each area where there is an increased risk of death through being disconnected. There is a lot of investigation to be done, so this may not be a quick solution. We also think that this is the right time to talk about the possible inclusion of gravestones. This is something you have been asking for and something which would need to pass a poll before it is introduced. The concerns we have now for yourself is really what features do you need the gravestone to get? It may have all the features of gravestones which RS3 has for instance a collection of patterns including 5 to quarter-hour of protection, with participants having the capacity to bless them or it might have different characteristics according to what you need. Make sure you inform us what you are thinking regarding gravestones around the adhering to forum line: Network Update.